90% of maintaining a tidy home is really just 3 things.
I’ve lived clutter-free for 2 years now by consistently performing these tasks everyday.
Habit #1 Do the dishes
Whether you wash your dishes in the sink or a dishwasher, do all of your dishes everyday.
Avoid the piles of dishes, pots & pans spilling out of your sink and across your counters. Old dirty dishes with crusted-on food are harder to clean. Doing the dishes everyday will make the task easier and faster.
The best habit to build to maintain your home is do the dishes.
Habit #2 Do 1 load of laundry
Mornings can be chaotic.
Ensure that you and your family have clean clothes to wear. Avoid the piles of dirty clothes and the time spent searching for things. You will gain control over your morning routine and find more calm, less stress, and less overwhelm.
Do 1 load of laundry everyday, start to finish.
Habit #3 Declutter for 5-15 minutes
Awareness is key.
Spend your time and effort removing the unnecessary things from your home. You will be less likely to bring in new items and less tempted by impulse purchases. Becoming aware of what you own and the space you have, leads to intentional consumption.
You will save money by purchasing less.
Concentrate on building these 3 habits. Dishes, laundry, and declutter.
This is the little stuff that makes all the difference.